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If you say “this text talks about” it means that you have read the text and explaining its context to someone else maybe one of your friends or maybe in an academic essay This text talks about the immense increase in the number of air polluting vehicles This text talks about the financial crisis in the third world countries.
Bell Let’s Talk
About this journal Text & Talk (founded as TEXT in 1981) is an internationally recognized forum for interdisciplinary Your Benefits History Text & Talk was founded in 1981 under the original title TEXT The journal title was changed to TEXT & TALK in Back Issues Details on availability.
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Text Talk Engaging Readers in Purposeful Discussions
March 20 2020 Developed by Dr Brian Black Text Talks provides teachers and students (and anyone else who’s interested) with weekly podcasts and resources based around the GCSE and A Level Syllabuses for Buddhism and Hinduism Dr Black works with Alex Owens and Katie Work two PhD Students based at Lancaster University to produce these resources.