Surat An Nisa Ayat 4 59. Surat AnNisā’ (The Women) سورة النساء This is a portion of the entire surah View more context or the entire surah 458 to top Sahih International Indeed Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with justice Excellent is that which Allah instructs you.

Surat An Nisa The Holy Qur An Globalquran Com surat an nisa ayat 4 59
Surat An Nisa The Holy Qur An Globalquran Com from

The Noble Qur‘an » Juz’5 » Page87 » Surah AnNisa » 4/AnNisa59 4/AnNisa59 O you who believe (who are âmenû)! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those of you who are in authority (who are authorized to give orders) from among you then if you dispute about anything refer it to Allah and His Messenger if you believe in Allah and the Last Day.

Isi Kandungan Surah An Nisa Ayat 59 Dalam Al Quran

Surah An Nisa (The Women) 59 Verse verse An Nisa (The Women) 59 459 O you who believe! obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority from among you then if you quarrel about anything refer it to Allah and the Messenger if you believe in Allah and the last day this is better and very good in the end Verse by verse quran.

Hukum Bacaan Tajwid Surat An Nisa Ayat 59

Surat An Nisa ayat 59 memiliki isi tentang perintah kepada manusia untuk mentaati Allah SWT Rasul serta para pemimpin di antara manusia Sehingga para pemimpin sebenarnya merupakan penerus perjuangan para rasul utusan Allah SWT serta menjadi khalifah di muka bumi.

AlQuran Online Surat AnNisa' Ayat 59 dan Tafsir Ayat

Quran 4 Verse 58 Explanation For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah AnNisa ayat 58 we’ve provided two Tafseer works below The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi the second is of Ibn Kathir.

Surat An Nisa The Holy Qur An Globalquran Com

AlQur’an Surat AnNisa Ayat ke59

Surah An Nisa Ayat 59

Surah 4. AnNisa, Ayat 5959

Quran surah An Nisa 59 (QS 4: 59) in arabic and english

Ayat 59 Surah 4: anNisa’ Qur’an Wiki

Surat AnNisa’ Ayat 59

Surah An Nisa (The Women) Ayat 59, An Nisa (The Women) 59

My Islam 58 (4:58 Quran) With Tafsir Surah AnNisa Ayat

AlQur’an Surat AnNisa Ayat ke59

Surah AnNisa 1176

Surat AnNisa’ [4:59] The Noble Qur’an القرآن الكريم

Surah An Nisaa’ ayat 59 [QS. 4:59] » Tafsir Alquran (Surah

AnNisa59, Surah 4The Women (AnNisa) Verse# 59

Surah AnNisa(النساء) 41 O humanity! Be mindful of your Lord Who created you from a single soul and from it He created its mate1 and through both He spread countless men and women.