Rtmp Monitoring Tools. Permission is hereby granted free of charge to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software“) to deal in the Software without restriction including without limitation the rights to use copy modify merge publish distribute sublicense and/or sell copies of the Software and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so.
You Can Use Event Center To Monitor from learn.akamai.com
How to Setup an RTMP Encoder for Live Video Streaming [Updated for 2021] 1 OBS Studio OBS Studio is free and opensource RTMP encoder software for video recording and live streaming OBS 2 Wirecast Wirecast is a live video streaming production tool with RTMP encoding capabilities Wirecast is.
nginxrtmpmonitoring realtime monitoring statistics dashboard for nginx rtmp module Owncast is a selfhosted live video and web chat server for use with Implementation JavascriptPlatform NodeJSLicense MIT.
How to Setup an RTMP Encoder for Live Video Streaming Dacast
The download consists in two exe files MediaStreamerexe is an application that constantly monitors your streams and MediaStreamexe is the Custom Sensor that queries the MediaStreamer and reports the result to your PRTG Server Next you can use the !MediaStream Custom Sensor to query one of the players property's.
You Can Use Event Center To Monitor
How do I monitor a Video Stream (RTMP via Wowza)? Paessler
fstvmonitoringrtmp & hls server with realtime monitoring dashboard How to install chmod +x setupsh && /setupsh Login to dashboard open http//yourserverip9991 on your browser default credentials for login username admin To find password you need to run this command docker exec it fstv_dashboard cat /usr/src/app/configjson.