Oke Thanks. Whenever I get a lot of attention I get a little bit like ' OK thanks thanks thanks' It kind of goes in one ear and out the other It kind of goes in one ear and out the other Slaying the dragon Liv Tyler braves life outside her comfort zone.
Oke Abosede Rachael Director Sphinx Multi Projects Limited Linkedin from Oke Abosede Rachael – Director – Sphinx …
Yeah thanks! Sure thanks! Or even Great thanks! “OK thanks” sounds to me like something you would say when someone gave you a piece of information that you had requested A What time does the store open? B 9 o'clock A OK thanks I'm not disagreeing with lingobingo rather with the original exercise book User Interaction Count 4.
OK, thank you or yes, thank you. WordReference Forums
OK thanks is a comma splice and is the typical form I would say that the reason it is used over OK thanks is simply convention Semicolons are rarely seen in English writing news articles or conversational writing such as emails I only ever really use semicolons to separate email addresses.
OK thanks : NonPoliticalTwitter
Unlike the moderators of some other subreddits we care about the community and want to keep it true to not being political Our hope is that by the community voting on these posts we won't have to worry about political posts coming in Thanks for your time.
Oke Abosede Rachael Director Sphinx Multi Projects Limited Linkedin
punctuation OK, thanks English thanks vs OK; Language
pronunciation English definition, grammar, Ok, thanks.
OK, Thanks How is OK, Thanks abbreviated?
Learn the definition of 'Ok thanks' Check out the pronunciation synonyms and grammar Browse the use examples 'Ok thanks' in the great English corpus.