Inventor Bend Part. Click 3D Model tab Modify panel Bend Part The Bend property panel displays The Bend Line selector is active select the line about which the feature hinges or folds Behavior Side Choose whether the part bends Side A SIde B or Both ways around the bend line Direction specify whether bend is Default or Flipped Method choose how you want to define the bend Radius and Angle Creates a feature using a radius and angle that you specify.
Solved Cut Across Bend Around A Rolled Tube Autodesk Community Inventor from Cut across bend around a rolled tube …
Autodesk Inventor training and course tutorial how to bend a part for beginner at basic level with some easy command check it out!!!Don't forget guys if yo Video Duration 4 minViews 403KAuthor Mufasu CAD.
To Bend Parts Inventor 2019 Autodesk Knowledge Network
Bend Part requires both a consumed sketch such as an extruded face and a sketch that is visible and unadaptive (such as a line sketched across the extruded face) Click 3D Model tab Modify panel Bend Part Use the Bend Line selector in the Bend Part dialog box to select the line about which the feature hinges or folds.
To Bend Parts Inventor 2021 Autodesk Knowledge Network
Click 3D Model tab Modify panel Bend Part Use the Bend Line selector in the Bend Part dialog box to select the line about which the feature hinges or folds Click the popup menu and choose how you want to define the bend Radius + Angle Creates a feature using a radius and angle that you specify The radius defines the size of the bend curve between the two sides.
Solved Cut Across Bend Around A Rolled Tube Autodesk Community Inventor
To Bend Parts Inventor Products 2018 Autodesk Knowledge
Tutorial: How to use “bend part” feature in Autodesk Inventor
Inventor How To Bend A Part YouTube
Model a part and invoke a sketch on the surface about which you will bend it Step 2 Create a line about which bending will initiate Exit the sketch Step 3 Click on the arrow mark shown in the picture just below the “modify” tool bar Step 4 Select bend part Step 5 Select the bend line and other parameters Step 6.