Himalayan Siamese Cat. Siamese cats are domesticated cats of the oriental cat breed extraction Recognized for their slender bodies and heads large ears and almondshaped blue eyes these cats are absolutely exotic beauties Whether you love Siamese cats or unique cats in general this square mini planner calendar is the perfect one for you!.

The Himalayan cat’s appearance is a testament to its Asian origins Like many longhaired cats the Himalayan is the result of years of selective breeding It’s a cross between a Persian and a Siamese two of the most popular cat breeds in the world.
Siamese Cats 2022 Calendar: Himalayan Cat 8.5 x 8.5 Inches
The Himalayan is usually a mediumsized cat although she is massive and heavily boned With her masses of fur she can appear to be rather large The Himalayan is an extreme looking breed The body is short but thick with thick legs and a short thick neck The boning is heavy but the tail is short and the ears are small.
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The physique of the Himalayan cat is rather stocky She has stocky legs a broad chest and a broad back The weight of this relatively rare breed tends to be impressive male cats weigh up to 10 kg cats weigh up to 8 kg The head of the Himalayan is round in shape Their characteristic point nose is short and stocky.
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The himalayan or himmie for short is a persian in siamese drag The firstborn of this research was named newton debutante These cats shed very less as they have short hairs and you will love them as they will not shed much inside the house Himalayan cats are a cross between a persian and a siamese Siamese cats are (almost) hypoallergenic.
Himalayan Cat Breed Information Traits Characteristics Facts Photos
Himalayan Cats Are Gorgeous! – Siamese Cat Spot
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Himalayan/Siamese kitten for Rehoming Cats & Kittens
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Persian and Siamese A Cross Between The Himalayan Cat:
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Himalayan Cat BuzzSharer.com
5 Things You Didn’t Know About The Himalayan Cat
Cats Hypoallergenic Pets and Are Himalayan Siamese
Himalayan cat Wikipedia
Himalayan cat Wikipedia
The Himalayan (aka Himalayan Persian or Colourpoint Persian as it is commonly referred to in Europe) is a breed or subbreed of longhaired cat similar in type to the Persian with the exception of its blue eyes and its point colouration which were derived from crossing the Persian with the Siamese.