Gandhi Memorial International School Jakarta. Jakarta Indonesia 14410 Official Facebook of GMIS JAKARTA is an organization dedicated to providing quality education in Indonesia The Gandhi Memorial Intercontinental School (GMIS) was founded along with the Gandhi School Ancol in 1950 and is an international school in Jakarta See more 4107 peoplelike this 4233 people follow this.

Located at Jl Terogong Raya No33 Cilandak Jakarta this school became popular in Jakarta Gandhi Memorial International School The Gandhi Memorial International School is a dynamic and challenging multidisciplinary learning community This school has an atmosphere where diversity is considered a strength and where differences are seen as.
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the Gandhi Memorial International School Jakarta Lihat profil lengkap Kak Melihat siapa yang samasama Anda kenal Minta diperkenalkan Hubungi langsung Kak Bergabung untuk melihat profil lengkap Orang lain yang bernama Kak Wina Kak.
Gandhi Memorial International School Jakarta
GMIS Gandhi Memorial International School Jakarta.
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Gandhi Memorial Intercontinental School (formerly Gandhi Memorial International School) has served the indonesian and international community since 2007 As an IB world school it is a secular school which offers an international curriculum at an affordable price.
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School Jakarta Gandhi Memorial Intercontinental
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:: The Gandhi Memorial International School, Jakarta
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Gandhi Memorial Intercontinental School Jakarta Type PRIVATE Head of school Mr Ashok Pal Singh IB School since 28 May 1996 Country / territory Indonesia.